Fix-It Friday (No. 1): Dulas

Fix-It Friday is a new series of posts where I show how a website page can be improved by applying a few web copywriting principles. My primary aim is to make visitors’ lives easier. Within just an hour, it’s possible to make a page more readable, accessible and search friendly. I also explain what elseContinue reading “Fix-It Friday (No. 1): Dulas”

The sad decline of languages in UK schools

I mean the decline of taught, modern foreign languages, not sweary bad language (I’m sure that’s probably still learnt and applied with enthusiasm). This article in the Guardian, Who still wants to learn languages?, raises a few key points from recent studies, as well as interesting observations. In summary: Funding for languages has been cutContinue reading “The sad decline of languages in UK schools”

Useful tools: Delicious

In the second of this (very) occasional series about things I use to help me work, I want to talk about Delicious. It’s been around for a while, and indeed I’ve been using it since I started up as a freelancer. Its staying power can only be a good thing! It’s ideal for keeping trackContinue reading “Useful tools: Delicious”

Social Media Day, Palma – 30 June 2010

Last Wednesday I pottered into lovely Palma de Mallorca to be part of Mashable’s Social Media Day. There’s not a very big local networking scene locally (except for TwittPalma) so I thought I should make the most of it. Of course, it was a Spanish event that also attracted some English speakers like myself. AndContinue reading “Social Media Day, Palma – 30 June 2010”

Comic Sans as you never imagined

We all know that it’s not just what we write that’s important, it’s also how it looks. An inappropriate font can completely knock a message off course, rendering our communication out of touch or even invisible. So what personality would you give the fonts you use? Is Times New Roman a dependable, retired Colonel withContinue reading “Comic Sans as you never imagined”