Nope, it’s not a typo. But if you’re somebody who writes for a living you’ll more than likely be well acquainted with Muphry’s Law. Earlier this week was the first time I’d heard about it, but I found myself chuckling inwardly and nodding my head sagely. Muphry’s Law as defined by Wikipedia is: …an adageContinue reading “Writer? Then you’ll know Muphry’s Law”
Author Archives: Helen Gräwert
Learning languages online
As if I needed another distraction, this week I discovered It calls itself a ‘language learning community’ and is basically another social network with a twist: you create a profile for yourself and add details of the languages you’re learning. offers courses in English, Spanish, French, German and Italian at the moment. AsContinue reading “Learning languages online”
Online PR guidelines for ‘print’ people
If you’re interested in content and you’re not a member already, I’d recommend joining the Content Strategy Google group. Many well-known (in content terms, at least!) names pop up regularly on there, contributing to a range of interesting discussions. One such person is Ginny Redish, who recently responded to a query on online media centresContinue reading “Online PR guidelines for ‘print’ people”
Just say what you mean
Why faff around with pompous-sounding words that don’t help the reader and probably aren’t even used correctly? The use of ‘seeking’ has popped (maybe ‘pooped’ would be more appropriate!) up again today and it seems to be a bit of a trend in business writing. On this occasion, it’s the Guardian’s new Sustainable Business sectionContinue reading “Just say what you mean”
Picture it: Flukle
An email popped into my inbox this morning about another social media tool, Flukle. I don’t remember signing up to receive information but that doesn’t mean a thing – there seems to be something new every week. But I digress… With Flukle, you can ‘share where you are, and what you’re doing, in real-time, throughContinue reading “Picture it: Flukle”