I love reading interviews with people who work with words, from copywriters to translators. It’s always interesting to find out how they got to where they are today, the path they took. Roger Horberry’s interview with Dan Germain of Innocent fame is no exception. I think lots of writers stumble into their profession via aContinue reading “A great interview: Dan Germain, Innocent”
Author Archives: Helen Gräwert
Learn a language, help your writing, improve your prospects
The Guardian recently reported that “there is increasing demand around the world for [website] translations into English…particularly inside businesses”. This is an interesting and exciting prospect for me, as a web copywriter living in Spain, learning Spanish and hoping to gain clients here. Increase credibility and improve search results As well as needing help translatingContinue reading “Learn a language, help your writing, improve your prospects”
Expert interview: David Hamill, Good Usability
Many corporate websites are managed by a person or team for whom the website is not their only responsibility. They rely on expertise from third party suppliers for designing, building and maintaining their website. Companies with dedicated in-house online teams also sometimes lack a particular skill at a given time. Even with the combination ofContinue reading “Expert interview: David Hamill, Good Usability”
Commenting, manners and etiquette
Lots of us have done it: we ‘read’ a post or an article that we disagree with in some way, then leave a hasty comment before speeding off to some other task. More often than not, this takes on a different tone than you intended. So what is correct etiquette when leaving a comment? IContinue reading “Commenting, manners and etiquette”
Corporate websites and the case for accessibility
As more and more companies provide and actively encourage their stakeholders to access corporate information online, accessibility is becoming an even greater issue. Accessible websites benefit everyone, both visitors and business. But research shows that many corporate websites are still failing to reach even minimum accessibility standards. Accessibility is a legal requirement for many businessesContinue reading “Corporate websites and the case for accessibility”