Simple, clear copy (in any language)

One of the first rules of web copywriting is to use plain English, to give every reader the best chance of understanding your content. Your website is available to the entire world and will have visitors who have a first language different to your own. Don’t forget, however, that native speakers also have differing readingContinue reading “Simple, clear copy (in any language)”

Mobile websites…or not?

Twitter has been buzzing about Jakob Nielsen’s latest Alertbox newsletter, in which he says: “To solve the problems [users experience on mobile devices], websites should provide special mobile versions.” My initial thought was that it makes sense in some cases. This is from the perspective of corporate, not e-commerce, websites, because this is where myContinue reading “Mobile websites…or not?”

Your life in their hands

Travel social networking sites have been around for some time now (some might say the market’s saturated), helping people to plan and write about their trips. The key element of many of these sites is helping people to meet up and make friends, as you would expect. A couple of brave souls have gone furtherContinue reading “Your life in their hands”

Originality is underrated

This might seem like an obvious statement, but I’ve been mulling over this a lot today. I know I should write more regularly on this blog, but I’m finding it hard to think of things that nobody else has covered a million (okay, ‘several’) times before. In this new world of web 2.0, ideas areContinue reading “Originality is underrated”

Well-written copy equals credibility

I’ve just stumbled across an article on Webcredible’s site, saying that now web usability is common place, web credibility is the ‘new’ differentiating factor between websites. Why the quote marks? Because I’ve just realised the article’s from 2004, after posting it to Twitter. Oops. However, the comment still stands. People DO judge an organisation’s credibilityContinue reading “Well-written copy equals credibility”