Last night, I was searching for the Facebook ‘page’ and ‘group’ of a freelance PR and marketing networking website that I have a profile on. The website appears to be moderately successful, judging by the number of individuals listed. When I found the correct page and group, I was surprised to see that each hadContinue reading “How to alienate your Facebook audience”
Author Archives: Helen Gräwert
Book: ‘Eats, shoots and leaves’
I’m not one of those people who’s averse to using an exclamation mark. I also like commas, apostrophes and all the other types of punctuation. I don’t apologise if this sounds a bit geeky; I write for a living, so it’s right that I have an interest in how to use them to their bestContinue reading “Book: ‘Eats, shoots and leaves’”
‘Green computing’: not an oxymoron
I’m conscious about the footprint I leave on the environment and am always interested in ways to reduce it further. This applies to both my everyday life and my work (I use a green web host). As a freelancer who works mostly from home, I don’t have to worry about a carbon-emitting trip to andContinue reading “‘Green computing’: not an oxymoron”
‘Thoughtful, investigative pieces don’t work on the web’
An interesting article on the Guardian’s website today. Aida Edemariam looks at the issue of search on the internet and how this influences online writing in contrast to offline articles. This, of course, links in to how content for the web must be structured differently in general. Unfortunately, she thinks it makes ‘depressing reading’, interpretingContinue reading “‘Thoughtful, investigative pieces don’t work on the web’”
British English or American English?
Jakob Nielsen recently covered the issue of which English language variant to use in one of his recent Alertbox emails. This topic usually interests me or bugs me in equal measure (but for different reasons). I’ve written for companies that want to use British English and for those that prefer American English. As Nielsen pointsContinue reading “British English or American English?”