I was recently quoted in an article outlining the benefits of websites for SMEs in the transport sector. ‘Net benefits’ in Commercial Motor magazine also provided guidance for small business owners on how to set a website up. I emphasised the importance of well-written copy to ensure companies could be found on the internet, andContinue reading “Increasing authority via social networks”
Author Archives: Helen Gräwert
Design or content; chicken or egg?
So, which does come first? In an ideal world, says Olav Bjørkøy in .net magazine, “you should never design anything before you have a clear grasp of the content”. ‘Design before content’ is listed in an article identifying the top 10 design mistakes that web designers make. Bjørkøy goes on to emphasise, “…design for yourContinue reading “Design or content; chicken or egg?”
Online style guides
Any organisation that produces printed publications understands the importance of an editorial style guide. So it stands to reason that a separate style guide for your websites, intranet sites and e-newsletters is important too. When creating an online style guide, the differences between online and offline communications and how content is generated should be takenContinue reading “Online style guides”
Quick tip – visualising layout
If, like me, you create copy for clients’ websites, more often than not you will be typing and submitting it in Word (or similar). So, here’s a quick tip to help you see how your copy might look on screen. In the standard views Word presents your document in, the text is laid out asContinue reading “Quick tip – visualising layout”
Organising content
Information architecture (IA) website Boxes and Arrows has an interesting article, written by content strategist Rachel Lovinger. In it, she says that ‘content strategy is to copywriting as information architecture is to design’. So, what is IA? According to the Information Architecture Institute, it’s: …the art and science of organising and labelling websites, intranets, onlineContinue reading “Organising content”