Well-written copy equals credibility

I’ve just stumbled across an article on Webcredible’s site, saying that now web usability is common place, web credibility is the ‘new’ differentiating factor between websites. Why the quote marks? Because I’ve just realised the article’s from 2004, after posting it to Twitter. Oops. However, the comment still stands. People DO judge an organisation’s credibilityContinue reading “Well-written copy equals credibility”

Design or content; chicken or egg?

So, which does come first? In an ideal world, says Olav Bjørkøy in .net magazine, “you should never design anything before you have a clear grasp of the content”. ‘Design before content’ is listed in an article identifying the top 10 design mistakes that web designers make. Bjørkøy goes on to emphasise, “…design for yourContinue reading “Design or content; chicken or egg?”

Quick tip – visualising layout

If, like me, you create copy for clients’ websites, more often than not you will be typing and submitting it in Word (or similar). So, here’s a quick tip to help you see how your copy might look on screen. In the standard views Word presents your document in, the text is laid out asContinue reading “Quick tip – visualising layout”


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